Shirelle – Aust/NZ Ch Hotwyr Baby It’s You (Exp Aust)

Blade – Hotwyr Between the Lines
Jan 2022 – Litter from Jemima and Mick
Dec 2020 – we have another litter from Vani & Zen
May 2020 – litter born to Vani & Zen
May 2016 – the babies start to go to their new homes – 2 are off to NZ
March 2016 – We have 8 beautiful babies (3 Girls and 5 Boys)
Jan 2016 – Confirmation that our beautiful Shirelle is in whelp to Ragge (Sweden) so excited!!!!
Dec 2015 – Hotwyr looks forward to a new year and new direction
Sept 2015 – we have a 6 year old bitch available to the right home – please see the available tab (under Ger Wirehaired Pointers) for more info. (placed thank you)
August 2015 – sad news that in NZ Eva (2013 litter) is lost in a tragic accident. Our thoughts are with Chuck and Nic and this time x
July 2015 – after a long battle the gorgeous Rabbit (2005 litter) is now running free at the rainbow bridge with all her family past. Hugs to her family (Bryony and Helen)
June 2015 –
May 2015 –
April 2015 – sad news from back home – Jake (2004 litter) passed over the bridge. Hugs to Tom and family x
March 2015 – very sad news from Timaru, our gorgeous Meer (2004 litter) and dam and granddam to many Hotwyr pups has left us to join her owner Roger. Run free Brown Dog xxxx
Feb 2015 –
Jan 2015 –
2015 – updating now – been a busy year
Nov 2014 – Litter born to Monroe and Raj – 5 girls and 5 boys
Nov 2014 – Updated Litters page (Under Ger Wirehaired Pointers tab)
September – Shirelle takes out her 2nd Best in Group this time under a gundog specialist.
July 2014 – Pups all head off to their new homes leaving just one wee girl to stay at Hotwyr. Check out her page – Vani
May 2014 – Liz and Raj have pups. 8 of them. 3 boys and 5 girls.
Feb 2014 – it’s been a tough year with the loss of our foundation GWP and the move to Australia. This site has been somewhat neglected and in the next few weeks I will start to update it. Please check back soon
14/02/14 – our darling Russell NZ Ch Korskote Xpress Klass SDCh (Imp Aust) is found forever sleeping. Now back with his buddy Harriet. Forever missed
Nov 2013 – Liz and Shirelle gain their Australian titles
04/09/2013 – today we lost our gorgeous Harriet – NZCh Kimmax Kontessa SDCh (IMP UK) aged 13 years. Run free sweetheart.
03/05/13 – the NZ babies start going to their new homes
25/04/13 – “Raj” and “Lana” start their show careers in Aussie with a BIG BANG – “Raj” taking out a 40 point Baby Puppy of Group!!
08/04/13 – “Stark” is now an Australian Champion.
27/03/13 “Monroe” takes out bitch challenge at the Sydney Royal.
07/03/13 – Liz has her puppies. 5 Bitches and 1 Dog. Very excited to see how they develop!!
06/02/13 – sadly we lost our lovely “Maddy” run free sweetheart xx
05/02/13 – Pleased to announce that “Wyatt” “Liz” and “Wyatt Jnr” are all DNA tested clear for vWD Type II.
30/01/13 – Puppies confirmed – due early March.
04/01/13 – “Liz” is mated to “Wyatt”
26/12/12 – Sadly today we had to say goodbye to our old girl “Envy” RIP sweet girl
20/12/12 – All health checks are now completed and we are waiting on Liz coming in season.
20/11/12 – Our planned litter is now up on the “Litter” page under Ger Wirehaired Pointers.
We are waiting on health tests and assuming these come back fine we plan to mate the dogs sometime in December.
03-04/11/12 – Drive down to Invercargill for 3 all breeds and 1 Gundog show. Saturday “Liz BOB x 1 and “Shirelle” BOB x 1. Sunday “Shirelle” Best of Breed both shows and Junior in Group at all breeds show.
Also handled “Apple” (Sibe) on saturday to her 1st Best of Group and on Sunday to Junior of Group.
13-14/10/12 – Timaru home town shows. Decided to show the old boy “Wyatt” who is rising 9 years old. He managed to take out Best of Breed at both shows and on the Sunday was shortlisted for Best of Group and awarded NZBred of Group. “Liz” was Res of Breed Saturday and “Shirelle” took out Junior of Group. On Sunday “Shirelle” was Res of Breed.
01-06/10/12 – Prelude Show/ Continental Gundog Show and the NZKC National Dog Show (Wellington) Best of Breed at all 3 shows “Liz” with “Shirelle” Runner-up of breed.
07/09/12 – Australia. And “Stark” does it again Baby of Group !!
06/09/12 – Australia. New baby Hotwyr Game ov Thrones (AI) “Stark” at his very 1st show goes Baby Puppy of Group. His kennel mate “Miss Monroe” takes out Junior of Group two days before.
04-05/08/12 – after a quiet two months we attended a weekend of shows in Wellington. Saturday shows x 2 – “Shirelle” Best of Breed & “Wyatt jr” Res of Breed AND his Championship title. Sunday 2 x shows “Wyatt Jr” taking both Best of Breeds and “Shirelle” 2 x Reserve.
19-20/05/12 – 5 hr drive up to Blenheim where there were 2 all breeds and 1 gundog show. I only entered the 2 All Breeds (due to politics I didn’t put my 4 GWP in the gundog show) Saturday “Wyatt Jr” took out Best of Breed and his sister “Maia” Reserve. Sunday “Liz” was Best of Breed and shortlisted for Best of Group. “Shirelle” was Reserve of Breed.
12-13/05/12 – Leeston shows about 1 hr from home: “Liz” Best of Breed both shows.
05-06/05/12 – Opening weekend for duck shooting season here in NZ. Hotwyr dogs were out and about around the country with great results from the north and south. I travelled to Dunedin shows with “Liz” and “Shirelle” where despite it being a hunters weekend there was a good entry of GWP. Saturday “Shirelle” takes out Best of Breed with “Liz” Reserve and Sunday the 2 girls swapped with “Liz” BOB and “Shirelle” Reserve.
In Australia “Monroe” takes out a PUPPY in SHOW all breeds – well done Fi and “Miss Monroe”!!!
06-09/04/12 – Easter shows – 3x All Breeds and 1 x Gundog. We also have “Maia” staying for 3 weeks so entered her in the shows as well. The girls really kicked butt. 4 Best of Breeds for Hotwyr (with good entries) “Shirelle” 3 of them plus 1 reserve and “Maia” 1 BOB plus 2 reserves.
31/03/12 – 01/04/12 – I stewarded this weekend and had Jordan & Zeta (Zaliamstaff’s) showing the two girls. “Liz” Best of Breed Saturday & “Shirelle” BOB sunday
25/03/12 – Just one show in Christchurch as didn’t enter the saturday. “Shirelle” Best of Breed & “Liz” Reserve of Breed
23/03/12 – Updated the website now showing current dogs and retired dogs. Plus added individual litter tabs for pups. Thanks Mark (Dogwebs) for being so accomodating and so quick to implement the changes!!
17-18/03/12 – off to the coast in the Bus with Jan (Shibas) & Julie (Samoyeds) “Shirelle” BOB saturday and “Liz” BOB sunday.
10-11/03/12 – Down to Oamaru for 3 shows. “Shirelle” Best of Breed all 3 shows and Junior of Group at 2 of them. “Liz” Reserve of Breed.
Up in Auckland “Blade” Hotwyr Between the Lines – goes off hunting for a week and get 3 deer!! Way to go guys……..
3-4/03/12 – Shows in Christchurch where we had “Wyatt Jnr” entered. At Saturdays show he took out Best of Breed and was shortlisted for Top 4 Best of Grp. “Liz” was ROB. Sunday “Liz” BOB, “Wyatt Jnr” ROB (4th cc)
26/02/12 – One show in Ashburton as I have decided to spend my showing $$ carefully entering under judges who I believe will give my breed the serious consideration they deserve. “Liz” BOB and “Shirelle” ROB
18-19/02/12 – Shows in Dunedin. “Liz” 2 x BOB, “Shirelle” 2 x ROB. “Wyatt” entered in 1 show as veteran and got BOB, “Liz” ROB
11-12/02/12 – Shows in Gore. Just the girls entered. saturday “Liz” BOB “Shirelle” ROB Sunday “Shirelle” BOB, last cc for Champion title and RESERVE BEST of Group/Junior of Group.
28-29/01/12 – Short 6 hr drive up to Nelson (yes SIX hrs) 3 shows “Shirelle” Best of Breed at Show 1, “Wyatt” Best of Breed at Show 2 (only show he was entered in – as a veteran) “Liz” Reserve of Breed. “Liz” Best of Breed Show 3 with “Shirelle” Reserve of Breed.
21-22/02/12 – 1st shows of the new year up in Leeston (near Christchurch) “Liz” Best of Breed both days. “Shirelle” Reserve of Breed Saturday & “Wyatt Junior” Reserve of Breed Sunday – this is his 1st challenge.
“Wyatt Senior” is retired from showing except at shows that have a Veterans class.
16/01/12 – The very 1st Hotwyr Litter turn 8 years old. Happy Birthday to Wyatt, Meer, Boo, Cole, Bob, Jake, Mo, Keisha, Waze. RIP Smoke….
11/01/12 – NZKC confirms Rae is now a New Zealand Kennel Club Accredited Breeder. (to see what this involves go to
10-11/12/11 – Last shows for the year – Christchurch. Saturday “Wyatt” BOB, “Liz” ROB. “Shirelle” 1st in Puppy Stakes!! Also caught up with the other “Wyatt” and Wade, Carrie, Georgia to see how he was looking. Watch for him in the ring next year! Sunday “Liz” BOB “Wyatt” ROB…..
03-04/12/11 – Dunedin Shows – “Wyatt” BOB both days and “Liz” ROB both days.
26-27/11/11 – Waimate Shows – “Liz” BOB saturday with “Wyatt” ROB. Sunday “Wyatt” BOB and “Shirelle” ROB.
In Australia “Annie” gets her last points towards her Aust title and Miss Monroe takes back to back Baby Puppy of Groups in her last weekend as a baby!!
11-13/11/11 – Show weekend in Christchurch. “Liz” in season so not shown. 3 shows “Wyatt” BOB friday ROB saturday, “Shirelle” BOB saturday, ROB sunday PLUS on saturday she was also Best Puppy of Group, Best Puppy in Show AND Runner-Up Grand Puppy Stakes (97 entered)
5-6/11/11 – Flew with “Shirelle” up to Auckland for our Continental Specialty Show where she pulled off Best Puppy in Show along with Best Mover under 12 mths and Best Puppy Head. Great catch up with all my North island mates.
29-30/10/11 – We drove over the Arthurs Pass to the West Coast for the weekend. “Wyatt” Best of Breed both shows. “Shirelle” Reserve of Breed and Puppy in Group BOTH shows! Also Runner-up Puppy in Show on Sunday.
22-23/10/11 – 3 Shows up in Christchurch. “Wyatt” Best of Breed at all 3 shows. “Shirelle” gets her 1st cc and reserve of breed saturday. “Liz” best bitch and reserve of breed at sundays 2 shows. “Wyatt” also takes out NZBred of Group on saturday!
15-16/10/11 – Shows in our home town so I entered 4 of the wires. Saturday “Liz” Best of Breed, “Wyatt” Reserve of Breed. “Maia” Reserve Bitch. Sunday “Liz” Best of Breed, “Wyatt” Reserve of Breed and “Shirelle” reserve bitch.
01-02/10/11 – Saturday morning we head up to Amberley for the NZ Versatile Hunting Dog Intermediate Test. We take “Liz” and “Maia” plus Wade brings “Maia’s” brother “Wyatt” along as well. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and we pleased with how all our dogs went. Results are on the individual dogs pages. Over in Australia “Miss Monroe” takes out another Baby Puppy of Group!!!
24-25/09/11 – In Australia “Monroe” gets her 1st Baby Puppy in Show – well done Fi …..
Back here in waimate “Shirelle” goes to two open shows. Show 1 – Puppy in Show, Reserve of Group & 2nd in Puppy Stakes. Show 2 – Reserve of Group & 3rd in Puppy stakes.
10-11/09/11 – 2x Champ shows in Christchurch. “Liz” Best of Breed x 2 and “Wyatt” Reserve of Breed x 2.
Over in Australia “Monroe” takes out another Baby Puppy of Group
03-04/09/11 – 2 x Championship shows in Dunedin. Saturday “Annie” Best of Breed & final challenge certificate towards her title and she is now NZ Ch Germanus Go Get Your Gun (UK) (Imp USA), “Wyatt” Res of Breed. Sunday “Wyatt” Best of Breed & “Annie” Res of Breed.
In Australia “Monroe” Hotwyr No Bizniz Like Show Bizniz attends her first shows and gets 1st in sweepstakes on saturday & Baby of Group and follows it up with 2nd in sweepstakes on sunday! You can find “Monroe” on our sister kennel page
27-28/08/11 – updated the website and added some new pages for pups from our last two litters. Check them out under our Ger Wirehaired Pointer Tab ‘extended family’
06-07/08/11 – 2 x Open shows and 1 x Champ show in Christchurch. Open Shows: “Shirelle” 1 x Reserve of Group, 2 x Puppy of Group, 1st Puppy stakes & 3rd Puppy stakes. “Wyatt” 2 x NZ Bred of Group, 2 x 1st Veteran Stakes. Champ show: “Shirelle” 5th Puppy Stakes. “Wyatt” Best of Breed, “Annie” Res of Breed and 7th cc….
02/08/11 – Due to circumstances (neighbours dead chickens) Waze is looking for a new home. He is a fully trained hunter, sleeps in a kennel at night, is good with people and other animals including stock. Please check out our “Available” page under GWP’s to read more about Waze.
16-17/07/11 – Dunedin shows x 2. “Wyatt” & “Shirelle” went as “Annie” in season. “Wyatt” Best of Breed both shows. “Shirelle” Baby Puppy of Group both shows…….. “Shirelle” also got to have a play date with her litter sister “Mae” these girls are very alike – a lovely litter!
21-22/05/11 – Last shows for this season. 5 hr drive to Blenheim where there were 3 all breeds and 1 gundog show. “Wyatt” Best of Breed at 2 All Breeds and the Gundog show. “Liz” Best Bitch, Reserve of Breed at 1 All Breeds and the Gundog Show & Best Bitch at 1 All Breeds. “Shirelle” Best Bitch at 1 all breeds & Reserve of Breed & BABY PUPPY of GROUP!!
14-15/05/11 – Shows up in Leeston (1.25 hrs away) Saturday “Wyatt” Best of Breed & “Annie” Res of Breed (6th cc) “Shirelle” 5th in the Baby Puppy Stakes. Sunday “Wyatt” Best of Breed again, “Maia” Best Bitch, Res of Breed and her last challenge towards her championship title!!!
08/05/11 – Popped down to Dunedin for a show. “Wyatt” Best of Breed, “Annie” gets her 5th cc.
28/04/11 – 01/05/11 – NZKC Nationals and associated shows in Palmerston North.
– Gundog Show – “Liz” BOB, “Wyatt” ROB, “Maia” Res bitch
– Continental Gundog – “Liz” BOB, shortlisted for In Show and Best Bitch Head, “Wyatt” ROB and Veteran in Show, “Maia” Res Bitch, Best Puppy Head, Best Mover under 12 mths. “Shirelle’s” very 1st show – little star did well as she only turned 3 mths that day!!
– NZKC National – “Wyatt” BOB, “Liz” ROB, “Maia” Res Bitch
Also visited “Shirelle’s” sisters “Jude” and “Sadie” and caught up with “Maia’s” sister “Maia” and some other wires while in Wellington – VERY busy trip!!!
22-25/04/11 – Long weekend with 4 shows. Friday “Liz” BOB, “Wyat” ROB and “Maia” res bitch. Saturday same result but “Annie” res bitch. Sunday “Liz” BOB again and also Open in Show. “Wyatt” ROB and “Maia” res bitch. Monday “Wyatt” BOB and “Annie” ROB (4th cc)
16-17/04/11 – Short trip (6 hrs) up to Nelson with “Wyatt” and “Annie” where “Annie” picks up 2 more cc’s
10/04/11 – Bonnie now “Mae” goes to her new home down south……
02-03/04/11 – Local dogs shows this weekend. Saturday “Annie” gets her 1st cc and BOB, “Wyatt” ROB, “Maia” Puppy of Group!
Lucy now “Heidi” goes to her new home in Alexandra….
Sunday – “Wyatt” BOB and NZ Bred of Group, “Liz” ROB.
28/03/11 – Sadie, Prudence now “Mili”, Michelle now “Jude” and Sally now “Jess” all head off to their new homes in the north island today.
26-27/03/11 – Shows in Christchurch and Fiona & Duey come over from Aussie to see “Annie”
Saturday “Wyatt” BOB and shortlisted group. “Maia” Best Bitch and Reserve of Breed. “Maia” also 9th in all breeds puppy stakes. “Liz” reserve bitch. Sunday – “Maia” Best of Breed and Puppy of Group. “Wyatt” reserve of breed. “Annie” reserve bitch……..
1st puppy goes to her new home in Chch with Mark and Vanessa. Rita is now called Kelly.
13/03/11 – “Annie” leaves quarantine……. yay
04/03/11 – Shows in Christchurch. Saturday “Wyatt” BOB and “Maia” Best Bitch (6th cc) and Puppy of Group AND 4th in Puppy Stakes. Sunday “Liz” BOB “Wyatt” ROB. “Maia” went down to the NZVHDTA Natural Ability test with Janine. By all accounts (even tho she did not win a prize) she did very well with high scores in all area’s bar pointing. Good on you Janine for taking her we are ever thankfull!!
11/02/11 – “Annie” arrives into Quarantine. What a sweetheart. “Annie” will be campaigned in NZ before heading to her forever home with Fiona, Duey, “Raine”, “Piper” & “Bond” at Hotwyr Australia.
29/01/11 – Leila’s litter is born. 8 bitches all doing well…..
22-23/01/11 – Shows in Leeston. “Liz” BOB both shows & “Wyatt” ROB
16/01/11 – The pups from the “Charmed” Litter turned 7 years old today…. Crikey but how time flies …….
Ashburton Open shows where “Liz” and “Miss Maia” were entered. “Liz” was BOB x 1, Int of Group x 2 & Int in Show x 2. “Miss Maia” was BOB x 1, Puppy of Group x 2 & 2nd in the Puppy Stakes. Nice start to the 2011 show year……
Jan 2011 – well this year has started off with a real BANG with Miss Maia & Maia both out hunting and finding deer for their owners “T” and Les. Excellent start to the hunting careers of these girls from a great litter!!
23/12/10 – Had a call from Les who owns Maia (Hotwyr Drop Dead Gorgeous) to tell us she had passed her Kiwi Aversion training. Well done guys 🙂
11-12/12/10 – Last shows of the year in Christchurch. “Wyatt” BOB x 2, “Liz” ROB x 2. “Maia” 10th (out of 61) in all breeds puppy stakes.
04-05/12/10 – Shows in Dunedin. “Wyatt” BOB x 2 “Liz” ROB x 1 and Intermediate of Group on saturday. “Maia” Best Bitch sunday – giving her 5 challenges now.
20-21/11/10 – Waimate shows where good friends Julie & Jan took “Maia” for 2 shows while I was in Australia showing “Bond”. “Maia” BOB x 2 & Puppy of Group. “Bond” BOB at the Spring Fair (8 gwp entered) woo hoo!!
12-14/11/10 – Show weekend in Christchurch. “Liz” BOB x 2 “Maia” ROB x 1 and best bitch x 1 “Wyatt” BOB x 1 & ROB x 2. Good entries of 5 & 6 wires as well
06-07/11/10 – Shows in Invercargill. “Liz” BOB at 3 shows, “Wyatt” ROB at 3 shows. “Maia” gets her 1st challenge and best of breed GO Maia!! with “Liz” taking ROB.
05/11/10 – “Rima” goes to her new home in Wellington. We wish Les and Jo all the best and thanks for giving our wee girl a lovely new home.
23-24/10/10 – Great weekend for Hotwyr in NZ & Australia. Christchurch – “Wyatt” BOB x 2 PLUS Runner-up Best of Group & NZ Bred of Group. Baby puppy “Maia” takes out a Best Bitch & ROB and “Liz” a Best Bitch & ROB. In Sydney, Australia “Baby Bond” also goes Runner-up Best in Group & Intermediate in Group. Go Fi and BB
19/10/10 – Available page updated with details of one of our last litter (a bitch) who is aged 5.5months who returned to us after her owner became ill………..
16-17/10/10 – Hometown shows. “Liz” BOB at both shows and also Reserve of GROUP/Intermediate of Group sunday. “Maia” reserve of breed Sunday. “Wyatt” ROB saturday.
23/09/10 – 03/10/10 – Manawatu 6 shows. We travel around 900kms to the NZKC Nationals and other shows. “Wyatt” BOB at all 6 shows including the National Dog show – his 1st BOB at this show… only took 6 years!! 🙂 He also took Best Dog Head at the Continental Gundog show. “Liz” ROB at all 6 shows and Best Topline / 2nd in Best Bitch Head at the Continental and Baby Maia did very well being shortlisted for Best Baby Gundog at the Nationals along with Best Puppy Head & Best Mover under 12 months at the Continental Gundog Show.
11-12/09/10 – Christchurch 2 shows. “Wyatt” BOB at all 3 and “Liz” ROB
10-12/09/10 – Australia. “Bond” BOB at all 3 shows and Intermediate of Group at 2 of them! Go BB and Fi 🙂
04-05/09/10 – Dunedin 3 shows. “Wyatt” BOB at all 3 shows with “Liz” reserve. “Maia” res bitch at 2 shows.
“Wyatt” BEST of Group, NZ Bred of Group at 1 show & NZ Bred of Group and NZ Bred in Show at another!
14-16/08/10 – Australia. “Baby Bond” & “Piper” out on the show circuit. 3 days, 3 shows. “Bond” BOB x 2, ROB x 1, Intermediate in Gp x 2. “Piper” RUBOB x 2, AusBred in Gp x 2, AusBred in Show x 1……..
No shows for us here in NZ……
7-8/08/10 – 2 x Open Shows and 1 x Champ Show in Christchurch. FOUL weather…pouring down!! “Wyatt” 2 x BOB, 1 x ROB, 2 x NZBred of Group. “Liz” BOB x 1 ROB x 2. “Maia” Baby Puppy in Group x 1.
31/07/10 – Judges Exams in Christchurch. “Wyatt” R-up Best in Show – thanks to the trainee’s who both passed their Gundog tickets that day 🙂
17-18/07/10 – 2 shows in Dunedin. “Wyatt” BOB both shows. “Liz” ROB both shows……
June – Busy busy with 8 pups… all now in their new homes.
22-23/05/10 – 3 x Shows up in Blenheim (5.5hrs away) “Wyatt” BOB at all 3 shows and “Liz” ROB at all 3 shows.
15-16/05/10 – Shows in Leeston, Christchurch. “Wyatt” BOB both days with “Liz” ROB both days….
09/05/10 – NSW, Australia. “Baby Bond” takes Best of Breed & Intermediate in Group. No shows for us here in NZ.
02/05/10 – Missed the show yesterday due to babysitting duty but went down for the sunday show. “Liz” Best of Breed. “Wyatt” ROB.
01/05/10 – Wellington, NSW. “Bond” Aust Ch Hotwyr the Secret Agent takes out his first BEST of GROUP under judge: Sylvia Brackman and goes on to Consolation to Runner-up Best in Show… Way to go Fi & “Bond”
10-11/04/10 – Good friends Honorine, Jayne & Amelia take “Liz” and “Wyatt” to the Geraldine Shows. Saturday “Liz” best of breed & “Wyatt” runner-up. Sunday “Wyatt” best of breed, “Liz” runner-up and Intermediate in Group!!!
8/04/10 – SYDNEY Royal – “Bond” Aust Ch Hotwyr the Secret Agent goes Runner Up Dog Challenge and “Piper” Aust/NZ Ch Korskote Some Like It Hot takes out Runner Up Bitch Challenge!!!
06-07/03/10 – Christchurch shows. Saturday: “Wyatt” BOB, “Liz” ROB and Intermediate in Group. Sunday: “Liz” BOB and “Wyatt” ROB.
27-28/02/10 – Ashburton (local-ish) shows. “Liz” returns to the ring taking out Best of Breed saturday with “Piper” reserve of breed & “Wyatt” best dog. Sunday “Wyatt” BOB and “Liz” ROB. “Piper” was Res bitch.
20-21/02/10 – Shows in Dunedin. “Wyatt” BOB at both all breeds shows, “Piper” Best bitch both shows.
13-14/02/10 – Shows in Gore (Southland) Fiona came over for a few days and helped out with handling too 🙂
Day 1. “Wyatt” BOB, Reserve Best of Group, NZ Bred of Group. “Piper” ROB (challenge # 5). Day 2. “Wyatt” BOB, “Piper” ROB (cc # 6) and Junior of Group!!
Up in the Waikato – Helen Sansome & “Liesel” were at a trial where “Liesel” attained her QC title! Woo Hoo – way to go girls……
30-31/01/10 – 6+hr drive to Nelson for 3 all breeds and 1 Gundog show. These are “Piper’s” first shows in NZ.
“Wyatt” BOB, BD x 4 plus NZ Bred in Show (Gundog) “Piper” ROB, BB x 4 – this means “Piper” is already half way to her NZ title!!
28/01/10 – “Piper” Aust Ch Korskote Some Like It Hot (Imp Aust) arrives in NZ. Thanks to Fiona Dempster for letting her come over on hols 🙂
23-24/01/10 – Banks Peninsula shows: Sat “Liz” BOB, “Wyatt” ROB and NZ Bred of Group. Sunday: “Wyatt” BOB and “Liz” ROB.
17/01/10 – 2 x open shows in Ashburton: Show 1 “Liz” BOB, Reserve of Group/Junior of Group. Show 2: “Liz” BOB, Best of Group/Junior of Group, Reserve in Show/Junior in Show!!
02/01/10 – 1st shows of the year in NZ. “Wyatt” BOB and “Liz” ROB plus Junior of Group 🙂
12/12/09 – Last shows for the year. “Liz” best of breed at show 1, “Wyatt” reserve. “Wyatt” best of breed show 2 with “Liz” reserve and also Junior in Group!
06/12/09 – Malaysia….. “Bond” NZCh Kiriay Double Oh Seven has his first litter of puppies on the ground. 6 pups B/W and Gr/W. Congrats to Raymond Foo on this litter 🙂
05-06/12/09 – Canterbury Junior. “Wyatt” BOB and NZ Bred of Group on Saturday with “Liz” ROB. Sunday – “Liz” BOB and shortlisted for group, “Wyatt” ROB.
28-29/11/09 – Dunedin. “Wyatt” BOB at both shows. “Liz” ROB. All in all a quiet weekend for the team…..
13-15/11/09 – Show weekend in Christchurch. “Liz” picks up 3 x Best Bitch and a BOB. “Wyatt” 2 x Res Dog and 1 x BOB. “Vinnie” takes a res dog and “Ledger” 2 x Res Dog and 2 x BOB – gaining him his NZ Championship title.
Up in the north island “Erik” gets his last cc towards his NZ title and over in Australia “Bond” takes out 2 x BOB and 1 x ROB… way to go boys……
06/11/09 – The Crime Litter turn 4 years old – boy does time fly. Happy birthday to “Liesel, Rabbit, Lottie, Emma, Max, Hector, Blade and Alexandra”.
31/10-01/11/09 – Long drive down to Invercargil where we had 3 all breeds and 1 gundog show. “Vinnie” BOB x 2 ROB x 1. “Liz” BOB x 3 ROB x 1. “Wyatt” ROB x 3, BOB x 1. “Ledger” BOB x 3.
Over in Australia “Bond” continued on his winning ways taking another 2 x BOB and 2 Junior in Groups!!! Woo Hoo B3
24-25/10/09 – Shows up in Christchurch. Sat “Wyatt” BOB, “Liz” ROB. “Ledger” the sibe I am campaigning got ROB and Junior in Group. Sunday “Liz” BOB, “Wyatt” ROB. “Ledger” Dog cc.
Over in Australia “Bond” took out both BOB this weekend and attained his Australian title making him Hotwyr’s FIRST overseas champion….. Well done and thanks to Fiona Dempster for doing so well with this young boy!
17-18/10/09 – Drove across the island to the West Coast. “Liz” BOB at both shows, “Wyatt” RUBOB and NZ Bred of Group on sunday……
10-11/10/09 – South Canterbury shows, just down the road. “Wyatt” BOB at both shows and NZ Bred in Group on sunday. “Liz” ROB at both shows…..
01-04/10/09 – NZKC Curtain Raiser, Continental Gundog Club, Gundog Society and National dog show….
“Wyatt” BOB x 2, “Liz” BOB x 1 and ROB x 3. “Erik” Puppy in Show @ Continental, “Harriet” Brood Bitch in Show at Continental. “Boo” goes to her new home in Rotovegas with Sherrie……
12-13/09/09 – 2 Open shows and a Benefit Champ show in Dunedin. Saturday at the 2 open shows “Liz” was BOB x 2 and also Reserve Best of Group x 2. Sunday “Wyatt” was BOB and Reserve Best of Group….
05-06/09/09 – Shows in Christchurch. Saturday “Wyatt” RD & ROB, “Liz” BB. Sunday “Wyatt” BOB and “Liz” ROB and Junior of Group!! Over in New South Wales “Bond” takes out Puppy of Group – Go Fi & “Bond”
“Bond” now only needs his 25 points after he turns 1 year old to get his Australian title which will make him Hotwyr’s first ever overseas Champion.
29-30/08/09 – Mark heads up to Christchurch with “Bolt” for some Gundog training while I take “Liz” and “Wyatt” to Dunedin. Shows were very unremarkable – “Wyatt” BOB both days “Liz” ROB.
In Aussie on the circuit……”Bond” gets another dog cc and another RUBOB…….. closing in on his Australian show title!!!
22-24/08/09 – The Central West Show Circuit continues with “Bond” taking out another BOB, a RUBOB and a dog cc. This takes “Bond’s” totals to 2 x BOB, 2 x RUBOB, and an additional 2 Dog cc’s – from 9 shows….and “Piper” gets another 2 x Junior of Group….. Woo Hoo
17-19/08/09 – More Aussie News “Bond” takes the dog cc at 2 more shows. “Liz’s” little sister ‘Piper’ gets 2 x Junior of Group…..Woo Hoo Team Briljans!!!
16/08/09 – Aussie news (Central West Show Circuit) “Bond” gets another Best of Breed!! Yay Fiona & “Bond”
15/08/09 – Rae takes “Meer” Hotwyr She’s Charmed up to Greymouth to Gloriavale and goes on her first bird shoot. Managed to help the hunters bag 24 pheasants! “Meer” does her owner/trainer – Roger and us here at Hotwyr proud with her hunting and pointing.
09/08/09 – a long time between shows down here in the south…anyway there was a Benefit show in Christchurch and we travelled up for it. “Wyatt” BOB (shortlisted Gp) “Liz” ROB and “Bolt” RD.
08/08/09 – Aussie News “Bond” takes out Puppy of Group !!!! Way to go BB and Fiona.
10-11/07/09 – Otago Kennel Assn shows in Dunedin. Terrible weather BUT great company. Saturday “Wyatt” BOB & “Liz” ROB. Sunday “Bolt” gets his first challenge and Best of Breed, “Liz” ROB.
04/07/09 – We take a trip up to ChCh to get Alexandra, Liz and Meer’s eyes tested by Canine Opthalmologist Craig Irving. All 3 pass with flying colours!
05-07/06/09 – Rae travelled up to Auckland to spend some time with her father and attend the Siberian Husky specialty (Judge: Michael Jennings – Demavand Siberians USA) with Sarah/Tamzin/Brylee & Victoria. Great catch up with everyone and pleased to say handled the Intermediate in Show winner … Ruby.
04/06/09 – a very sad day here at Hotwyr – we lost our grand old boy Meshik. At 15yrs 8 mths…….. to say we are devastated is an understatement.
16-17/05/09 – Big weekend away with 5 shows (3 all breed/2 Gundog) “Wyatt” was BOB x 3 & ROB x 2. “Liz” was BOB x 2 & ROB x 1. “Bolt” was Reserve Dog x 3, ROB x 1, Baby Puppy of Group & 10th in All breeds Stakes (65 entered).
09-10/05/09 – Exciting news from Fiona Dempster & “Bond” Hotwyr the Secret Agent in Australia. “Bond” was awarded his 1st Best of Breed (from the Minor Puppy class) and also Minor of Group!!! way to go Fi & “Bond”
Shows for us in Leeston – “Wyatt” was still limping on saturday so BOB “Liz” and ROB “Bolt” then on sunday “Wyatt” was BOB and “Bolt” ROB…..
02-03/05/09 – Duck Shooting Season: so far we have had some fantastic report backs from Hotwyr pups and their owners! “Leila” and Warren took 34 ducks (of which “Leila” retrieved 32) and she’s not yet 1 year old!!
“Izaak” (7 months) went out with “Kahn” & Craig and had a great time retrieving wounded ducks and by all accounts did himself proud.
– South Otago All Breed Shows: “Wyatt” was scratched as he has cut his pad. So it was “Liz” and “Bolt” for the weekend. “Liz” was BOB both days & Junior of Group Saturday. “Bolt” was Baby Puppy of Group Sunday.
10-13/04/09 – First 3 shows “Liz” BOB and “Wyatt” ROB (at 2 shows there were 5 & 6 entries) “Liz” also Junior in Show at Southern Gundog under GSP specialist Christine Cunningham. Monday (13th) saw “Wyatt” get BOB and “Bolt” get ROB. “Liz” was BB and also Junior of Group…….
09/04/09 – Tomorrow is the start of Easter Weekend: 4 shows (3 all breeds and 1 gundog) plus the arrival of our new baby “Bolt”….. can’t wait!!!
28-29/03/09 – Geraldine Shows (just 10mins away) Not sure why but I madly entered 4 wires (luckily I have help from good friends!) Saturday – “Russell” BOB, “Liz” ROB and JUNIOR of Group. Sunday – “Wyatt” BOB, “Liz” ROB and JUNIOR of Group AGAIN!!!
27/03/09 – More news from Helen & “Liesel”. Last weekend “Liesel” won the Novice Land Section of the South Auckland Gundog Club’s Championship Retriever Trial. What a STAR!!!!!
23/03/09 “Bolt’s” date of arrival…..he will fly into Christchurch on Good Friday (April 10th)
21 & 22/03/09 – Selwyn District Shows in Christchurch – nothing special “Wyatt” BOB at both shows & “Liz” ROB.
06/03/09 – Latest news from Gina, Andrew & “Blade” – this last week saw the trio off deer hunting. “Blade” winded, tracked & found his first deer – Way to go “Blade”
Also updated pics of “Izaak” and “Jazz”
03/03/09 – Latest news from Helen & “Liesel” – “Liesel” came 3rd (out of 17) missing her QC by 1 point, at the Pointer Setter Club QC Trial in Rotorua. She also gets a Merit Award for Best Ranging Dog – Well done “Liesel” and Helen!!
01/03/09 – “Liz” is BOB and “Wyatt” ROB…..a nice day after yesterdays downpour!
28/02/09 – “Liz” gets her Championship title on her birthday. “Wyatt” takes BOB and NZ Bred in Group
Over in Australia “Bond” gets Baby Puppy in Group & 1st in 3-6mth Sweepstakes
21-22/02/09 – Quiet weekend at Ashburton shows. “Wyatt” BOB both days and “Liz” ROB.
15/02/09 – “Bond” takes winners dog at the 172nd SKC Championship in Singapore. This gives him his 1st points towards his Singapore title…. Thanks to Jermaine and Adren for campaigning “Bond” there.
14/02/09 – We drive down to Dunedin for the day. Show 1: “Wyatt: BOB and “Liz” ROB. Show 2: “Liz” BOB and Puppy of Group, “Wyatt” ROB and NZ Bred of Group. Not very common for a minority breed to take 2 age classes in the same group so we were very pleased.
07-08/02/09 – Shows down in Gore. Saturday “Wyatt” BOB and NZ Bred of Group, “Liz” ROB. “Vinnie” gets his 7th cc. “Liz” wins the all breeds puppy stakes…. Sunday: “Liz” BOB, “Wyatt” ROB, “Vinnie” gets his 8th cc and is now a Champion (pending NZKC confirmation)
02/02/09 – Our new import is confirmed. Liver/White Male coming (with thanks) from Maxine & Peter McCullough – Kimmax GWP’s and Deutsch Drahthaars UK. ETA: April 2009
01/02/09 – We head up to ChCh to drop the boys off – for plane trips North – Riaan & “Bond” …… Good Luck to the boys on their new ventures…..
20/01/09 – “Hector” is returned to Hotwyr – thanks to Raewyn & Gary Radich and Martin & Wendy Hewitt for helping bring him home. Hector will be assessed and then will be looking for a permanent home. See “Available”
17-18/01/09 – Banks Peninsula A & P Shows. Saturday “Wyatt” BOB and NZ Bred in Group. “Liz” ROB. Sunday we took “Russell” who managed BOB, “Wyatt” ROB. “Vinnie” has done his junior coat drop and is looking very naked so we scratched him from the show.
01/01/09 – We went to vist Warren, Janice and “Leila” today – what a stunner she is – check out her new pics in our extended family file.
22/12/08 Updated some info and put up new pics of the babies “Jazz” “Izaak”
18/12/08 – a big day for Hotwyr as we travel up to Christchurch to farewell “Jazz” on her way to the Hawke Bay and “Bond” on his trip across the Tasman to Sydney – where he will commence his show career.
15/12/08 – “Viv” now called “Jazz” has found a home with Jay and Burke Olsen, their 2 children and GSP in Napier.
06-07/12/08 – Final shows of the year in ChCh. “Wyatt” takes BOB at both shows with “Liz” reserve… “Wyatt” was handled by Amelia Nolan-Wickstead who will be showing her own GWP baby “Erik” in the new year. “Bond” takes BOB sunday. “Vinnie” stayed at home playing (We had the week from hell prior to the shows and washing another dog was going to be the ‘straw’)
03/12/08 – 2 more of our babies have gone to their new homes “Niya” & “Izaak” – due to a personal situation one of our females has become available – see “Viv” under the GWP section…..”Available”
29 & 30/11/08 – Southern Ladies Kennel Assoc shows in Dunedin: “Wyatt” BOB saturday and “ROB” Sunday, “Liz” ROB Saturday and “BOB” Sunday. “Vinnie” gets cc number 6 and BOB on Saturday. “Bond” not entered……”Jazz” goes to her new home right here in Timaru!
14-16/11/08 – Canterbury Show Weekend: “Wyatt” wins BOB at all 3 shows (Handled by Mandy – Korskote GWP’s) “Liz” wins 2nd place in import stakes, “Bond” takes out ROB at 1 show and BOB at the third. Great fun weekend tho catching up with Mandy!
09 & 10/11/08 – Waimate Kennel Society shows. “Wyatt” BOB both days and “Liz” ROB also taking out back to back Puppy of Groups.
18 & 19/10/08 – a quiet weekend at Greymouth shows. “Liz” was Best of Breed Sunday and “Wyatt” Best of Breed Saturday. “Bond” was best dog both days and Reserve of Breed Saturday. “Vinnie” gained his 5th cc and Best of Breed saturday with a Reserve of Breed Sunday.
12/10/08 – “Liz” get Best of Breed & Puppy in Show, “Bond” gets Best of Breed and NZ Bred of Group, “Vinnie” gets Best of Breed
11/10/08 – Dog shows close to home (9kms) “Liz” gets Puppy of Group, “Vinnie” and “Bond” both take Best of Breed
06/10/08 – “Alex” x “Tana” pups arrive. 6 healthy pups in all (3 male & 3 Female)
28/09/08 – “Liz” places 4th in the NZKC National Dog Show Puppy Sweepstakes with an entry of 87!!
27/08/09 – “Liz” Best of Breed and “Wyatt” Reserve of Breed at the NZKC National Dog Show
26/09/08 – “Liz” Best of Breed and Puppy in Show / “Wyatt” Reserve of Breed and NZ Bred in Show at the Continental Gundog Show under a European Gundog Specialist
Same day – “Wyatt” Best of Breed and “Liz” Reserve of Breed at the Southern Gundog Society Show
25/09/08 – “Liz” Best of Breed and “Wyatt” Reserve Dog at the NZKC Curtain Raiser
21/09/08 – “Liz” takes out Best of Breed and Puppy of Group at Malvern Kennel Assn again !!!! “Vinnie” and “Wyatt” both take reserve of breed
20/09/08 – “Liz” takes out Best of Breed and Puppy of Group at Malvern Kennel Assn. “Bond” and “Wyatt” both take reserve of breed. “Liz” also gets 5th in Stars of the Future Stakes (55 entered)
10/09/08 – “Alex” is confirmed by ultrasound to be in Whelp with pups expected 6th-9th October
06/09/08 – “Liz” wins PUPPY in SHOW at the Mackenzie Highland Show and also wins the Puppy Stakes (6 -12 Mths) “Bond” wins Best of Breed as does “Wyatt”
25/08/08 – We travel back to Timaru narrowly avoiding the closure of State Highway 1 south due to slips and flooding!
24/08/08 – “Liz” takes Best Bitch/Best of Breed/Best Baby Puppy in Show at the Gundog Society show and Baby Puppy in Group at the Wellington Ladies Show. “Wyatt takes Best Dog/Best of Breed at the Wellington Ladies show. “Bond” takes Best of Breed at the Wellington Ladies Show.
23/08/08 – “Liz” takes Best Bitch and Best of Breed at 1 show and “Wyatt” takes Best Dog and Best of Breed and the other.
22/08/08 – Mandy (Korskote GWP’s Aust), Kylie (Moruada GSP’s Aust) and Rae travel up to the dog shows in Wellington with “Wyatt”, “Bond” and “Liz”. The trip is 6 hours by car and 3 hrs by ferry across the Cook Strait.
10/08/08 – We attend our first dog shows in over 2 months. “Bond” & “Wyatt” both take Best of Breed. “Vinnie” gets his 2nd cc!! and “Liz” takes Best Bitch and Reserve of Breed.
15/07/08 – “Harriet” has her puppies – 1 live female & sadly 1 stillborn male after emergency c-section. Harriet and baby are ok.
12/07-13/07 – Mark travels up to the NZFSS Sled Dog Champs in Taupo and comes 2nd in 3 dog class with Tana, Maddy & Alex
15/06/08 – “Bond”, Cossack and Garth come 2nd in 2 dog class & 1st Sibe team home.
“Alex”, “Maddy” and “Tana” with Mark win the 3 dog class again.
14/06/08 – “Bond”, Cossack and Garth win 2 dog class & 1st Sibe team home @ the CSDC Double Banger. “Alex”, “Maddy” and “Tana” with Mark win 3 dog class @ the same race.
09/06/08 – Litter confirmed by ultrasound: Harriet x Tana – due 12 July
Queens Birthday – Mark takes the team to Invercargill where “Wyatt” attains his SDCh title and the team comes 2nd Saturday and then 1st Sunday in the 3 Dog class. “Bond” and Cossack come 2nd in 2 dog class both days.
Rae takes “Liz” and “Vinnie” upto Christchurch for the open shows and “Liz” gets Baby Puppy in Group at both shows and 2nd then 3rd in both import stakes while “Vinnie” gets 5th in Puppy stakes.
06/05/08 – “Liz” Korskote Witch and Famous arrives from Australia
04/05/08 – “Vinnie” takes out Best Dog and Best of Breed at the South Otago Kennel Assn Champ show – his very 1st challenge certificate. Judge: Mr W Godfrey – Australia.
3-4/05/08 – Duck hunting season opens and the Hotwyr pups are out in force across the country……doing what they do best “Hunting”
19/04/08 – “Boo” Ch Hotwyr the Charmed One returns home to Hotwyr.
16 to 20/04/08 – Rae jets off to Australia to visit her good friend Mandy Atkinson (Korskote) and choose our new GWP import.
29 & 30/03/08 – “Bond” Ch Kiriay Double Oh Seven – goes Best of Breed (shortlisted top four group under Mr J Boyd, NZ) Saturday and BEST OF GROUP!!! Sunday under Mr P Primrose (Perth) @ Selwyn District Shows.
Easter Weekend – “Wyatt” is Best of Breed at all 4 shows and is cut 2x for Best of Group. “Vinnie” gets Baby Puppy of Group on saturday. “Bond” is Best of Breed and cut for Best of Group also on saturday. “Meer” goes to her first show and gets her first cc on Monday.
08/03/08 – “Vinnie” Kinbrace All That & More is Reserve Dog/Reserve of Breed under Brazilian Judge Mr Capistrano @ Oamaru Kennel Assn (from the Baby Puppy Class beating older Champions)
02/03/08 – “Wyatt” Ch Hotwyr Charmed and Dangerous SDX takes BEST of GROUP and NZ Bred of Group at Canterbury Ladies Kennel Assn under Mr R Lucas (Australia) Best of all Aunty Gina was there to see the whole thing. Thanks for coming along and being a good luck charm Gina!!
16/02/08 – “Wyatt” Ch Hotwyr Charmed and Dangerous SDX takes back to back NZ Bred of Groups at Waikouaiti Kennel Assn Champ Shows in Dunedin under Thomas Touzel (Canada) and Viv McCambridge (NZ)
09-10/02/08 – “Liesel” Hotwyr Without a Trace places second equal at her first Novice Pointer & Setter Trial at Ngakuru – Woo hoo go Helen and Liesel!!
03/02/08 – just for fun we went up to Christchurch for some open shows, where Wyatt took out NZ Bred of Group at both shows and Bond went Best of Group and Reserve in Show at one of them.
16/01/08 – the GNSHC points score is verified and “Bond” is runner-up Siberian of the Year and also Reserve Dog/Intermediate of the Year for 2007!! Way to go Bond…..
06/01/08 – the move to the mainland is complete. We also have a new addition to our pack: the very beautiful “Vinnie” Kinbrace All That And More (a red tri-colour Australian Shepherd)